Why Change Is Hard but Necessary for Growth - Women Lead Company
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Why Change Is Hard but Necessary for Growth

Change can be hard, and the way our minds process change can make it even more difficult. Our brains are designed to store memories and experiences for future reference, and this can make it difficult to adjust to something new. The fear of the unknown can cause us to shy away from change, even if it may be beneficial in the long run.

One of the main reasons why change can be so hard for some people is the fear of failure. We may be afraid of taking on a new task or challenge and not succeeding, especially if we’ve felt failure in the past. This fear can stop us from taking risks and trying new things. It’s important to remember that "failure" is part of the learning process and should be embraced.

Our minds can also be resistant to change due to the comfort of the familiar. We often develop routines, habits, and patterns in our lives that become deeply engrained. When something disrupts this, it can be difficult to adjust, even if it’s something that may be beneficial. We may also have a fear of making mistakes and not being “good enough”, causing us to shy away from change.

Our beliefs can be a major factor in whether we accept change or not. We may have certain ideas and values that we’ve held onto for a long time, and they can be difficult to let go of. We may also have deep-rooted assumptions about how the world works and changing these can be difficult.

Learning how to embrace change and let go of fear is key to accepting it. We can do this by being mindful and present in each moment, allowing ourselves to be open to new experiences and ideas. We can also practice positive self-talk and remind ourselves that failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Lastly, we can take small steps to move towards change and let go of the need to have everything figured out. Creating small habits, we can implement into our daily lives proves to be a much more successful practice, and as neuroscience teaches us, consistency with these small changes in attitude, beliefs, and actions literally rewire our brains, facilitating the changes we seek.
